Benefits of part-time jobs for teenagers
In today’s 21st century, the need to give teenagers financial education keeps growing. The goal of every society is to have responsible adults who are physically and financially mature to contribute their quota into the societal system. But the problem is that adults don’t just grow from birth, they were transitioned from teenage years. As a result, it is necessary to train up kids right from time to be responsible for themselves, their families and society so that they won’t constitute a nuisance in the nearest future.
One of the methods to assist or guide teenage from adolescence to adulthood is helping or allowing them to secure a part-time job. It is not just to help them to make money but also to develop their networking skills, identities, gain work experience and at the same time show them the sweetness of independence. In this article, we will be discussing the benefits of part-time jobs for teenagers.
It helps the teens to build up their working experience
Today’s job market most time favors those who have job experience. Most organizations are not ready to spend or waste funds (as I will choose to call it) on a new school leaver. Today’s job market is undergoing a paradigm shift from certification acquisition to skills set acquisition – they are on the lookout for what an employee can offer them not their papers. Students who are involved in part-time jobs
during high school have a better chance of building their resume and skills set to get the jobs they desired.
It helps to build up connection (networking)
Teens have the opportunity to meet up with professionals and employers in their workplace who might serve as future references and provide a recommendation on their behalf. Fortunately, those connections may last for decades or a lifetime. It gives teenagers who are exposed to the part-time job an edge over their counterpart who doesn’t care about it.
Taking up a part-time job allows teenagers to build up their confidence. It gives them the avenue to know how capable they are in the face of tasking situations. This virtue helps them to be more independent and serve as one of the strong pillars of turning them into responsible adults.
It teaches balancing
Although taking up a part-time job can hinder some of the teenager’s school work. But it also teaches a vital lesson in life which is balancing. It prepares them to handle confusing situations and manage them well. It exposes them earlier to the struggles and reality of life so that they get prepared before their adulthood.
Finance management
Taking up a part-time job in the early stage of life prepares one to learn how to manage funds effectively. It even provides them with the opportunity to learn by experience – trial an error until they eventually grasp the vital lesson of good finances.
Conclusively, exposing teenagers to the part-time job may have their adverse effects, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantage because it exposes them early to the issues of life and task of adulthood and it better prepares them for the future to turn them into responsible adults in the society.
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