How to improve your memory?

It was once believed that brain function peaked during early adulthood and then slowly declined in the later years. But it is not very true. Even though our modern lifestyle plays a significant role in contributing to cognitive decline a healthy lifestyle can support your brain health and even encourage your brain to grow new neurons, a process known as neurogenesis. Your brain’s hippocampus, i.e. the memory centre, is especially able to grow new cells and it’s now known that your ‘memory centre ‘regenerates throughout your entire lifetime but you need to give it the right tools to do so.

These “tools” are mostly lifestyle-based. You don’t need an expensive prescription medicine or any medical procedure at all to boost your brain, and your memory. You simply must try out the following actions to improve your memory.

1. Eating the right food-Vegetables,proteins,healthy fats and avoiding sugar and grain carbs.

2. Exercise-It encourages your brain to work at best by stimulating nerve cells to multiply, strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage.

3. Stop Multitasking — It may actually slow you down, make you prone to errors as well as make you forgetful.

4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep — It will also known to enhance your memories and help you “practice” and improve your performance of challenging skills.

5. Play Brain Games — If you don’t sufficiently challenge your brain with new, surprising information, it eventually begins to deteriorate.

6. Master a New Skill — Engaging in “purposeful and meaningful activities” stimulates your neurological system, counters the effects of stress-related diseases.


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