Love and its magnificent forms

Love could be defined as a mixture of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. Although almost no one agree on a single definition of love, most of the people do agree that love plays an important role in both physical and psychological well-being.

Different forms of love

Love has different forms. Love is an imbedded feeling found in all the beings. They are all created to enjoy and obtain happiness, satisfaction, contentment and share and care others and pour love and receive love. The parents show love to their children without any selfish motives. Man shows paternal love as parents. they love their parents in return. The siblings show love to each other in various degrees. Their degrees of love show the relationship they have with the others and other species. There are different types of love shown by the humans and also by the other species. From the plants to the deities each possess a broad range of love. The species including the humans love their family members. They pet the animals and love them. The humans feel happy when the pet grows and start caring them and communicating in their language.

False sense of values and false love

showing love to fulfil petty needs are not permanent. We learn from the history that even from the families of kings the relations and even sibling murder the person ruling the country to capture the regime. many humans kill other human to grab other’s property and more wealth. Therefore, even within families, relations and with the rules humans do not have real love. Having love without single expectation on return is the pure and true love. the humans with their sixth sense realized the nature of true love. At one stage he realised the worldly love expressed and experienced do not give eternal peace.

All the species when they become physically not fit and aged they look for the love and affection which they showed to the ones around them. They realise these worldly loves do not give them any peace. They realized that the relationships they developed with the humans and other species are temporary or not everlasting and they found that such love never gave eternal peace.

Role of love in between people

Love is something that is cultivated between two people and grows over time, through getting to know him or her and experiencing life’s many ups and downs together. Love can play a role in long-term health, and feeling emotionally connected may help increase immunity. Great love is established through participation together. Participation together is accomplished through compatibility and shared purpose.

Love on God

The human develops a love towards god in the form of supreme love which is called Bakthi. The one who realized the Truth about pure and true love understood that god is the embodiment of love. The rishis, saints and other seekers of truth have found the true everlasting love within themselves which is non selfish not expecting rewards or benefits. Man believes in deities and gods as they fulfil their boons. They beings in one stage realize the true love which is embedded in them, the love toward god who himself is an embodiment of love. The love is the persistent one. The humans and other species from their birth to death are deceived by the petty love shown to others Man does tapas. They renounce and leave all the attachments to get the bliss -the satchithanantha and attain mukthi.

Power of love

The actual power of love is connected to your higher purpose in the world. When you give your life to this, the real love will emanate from you naturally. Yet neglect this and go against your higher purpose and love will degenerate into wild desire and fear. Do you know the difference between Love and desire? It is depending in the bond. Bond is the reason for desire. But love does not have bond. It accepts the origin and give the love. Love always leads the life. There is a simple example for this. Some parents do not allow the children to go to different places or foreign alone, they do not allow them to play with their friends. They always fear about their child’s safety. They keep the desire bond with them. It is not love. It is desire. If it is love they will allow their children to see the world. The child will see the world and get wisdom through their own experience. This is what a parent do when they love them. through desire fear will win.

In considering wedding with another, do not say, “I love you. I cannot live without you. You are my everything.” Instead, look and say, “I feel great love for you. What can we do together? Are we going the same path together? Can we live together for the rest of our lives? Can we work well together? Can we deal with sorrow and disappointment together?”

You will find there will be many people in life whom you could love and for whom you would feel great magnetism. Yet few of them will offer you the gift of Knowledge. Do not think that you must fall into feverish love. For the purpose of honest relationship is not merely the unlearning of illusions through disappointment. Real love is always calm because it is always based on recognition and compatibility and it helps to blossom lots of happiness inside your entire body when you provide unexpected love.

Bavvatharani R


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